Do you enjoy Easter? It can be a really fun time of year with all the chocolate, Easter egg hunts, Easter bunnies and time with family. What could make Easter better? Here at Eye Spy we think enjoying your very own adult Easter egg hunt would make your April more fun than ever.
The Easter bunny has been good to us here at Eye Spy Optometry.
So how does this latest contest work? It's pretty easy.
- Come and purchase glasses or a year supply of contact lenses from Eye Spy Optometry
- Pick an egg from the basket and save up to 50% off your purchase if you pick the lucky egg! You're guaranteed to save something no matter what though since every egg is a winner (there are 10% off your purchase or $100 off your purchase in there too).
That's it! It's as simple as that! *
So don't miss out! This Easter egg hunt lasts until April 30th so don't miss your chance to re-live your childhood and save on new glasses too!
*The only restriction we have on this fun promotion is that it cannot be used with our package deals.